Leadership Burnout - 3 Key Questions

When is the last time you took at least two weeks off work? So long you can’t remember? If so, you might consider taking a real vacation soon.

I can imagine that many of you are thinking, “Yeah, yeah – when I have the time I’ll think about it.” Perhaps it seems like your own renewal is a luxury, an indulgence you’ll consider when all your work is done. I want to encourage you to view it more as an investment in your organization’s success.

Answer these three questions....

Culture and the customer experience

I often like to take care of an errand during my morning walk. It saves on gas and gives the walk a direction and purpose. This morning, I decided to walk over to the bank to close my account, having recently changed to a new bank. I looked on the web to see what time the branch opened – 7:30am. I arrived at the bank at 8:15 to find that only the drive-up opens at 7:30; the lobby opens at 9:00. Fine, I thought.