Leadership Burnout - 3 Key Questions

Photo credit: Lina Smith https://www.flickr.com/photos/linasmith/ Creative commons license

Photo credit: Lina Smith https://www.flickr.com/photos/linasmith/ Creative commons license

Hooray – in just a week, I’m leaving for vacation! I’m exited to have some time off, explore new places, meet new people, and just generally unwind. It’s been a while s since I took a "real vacation" so I’m feeling ready for a break.

The break is important to me personally but it’s also a key part of keeping my creativity and my energy high for my work. It recharges my brain and gets me refreshed for the next project. Basically, it’s good for my productivity and therefore my bottom line.

How about you? When is the last time you took at least two weeks off work? So long you can’t remember? If so, you might consider taking a real vacation soon.

I can imagine that many of you are thinking, “Yeah, yeah – when I have the time I’ll think about it.” Perhaps it seems like your own renewal is a luxury, an indulgence you’ll consider when all your work is done. I want to encourage you to view it more as an investment in your organization’s success.

Answer these three questions:

  1. Does your performance level significantly affect the results your organization achieves?
  2. Is your performance level affected by your mental state, whether you are tired or alert, energized or burned out, satisfied or frustrated?
  3. Are you currently feeling a bit fried from working too hard and too long?

If you answered “yes” to even two of these questions, you know where I’m going with this. YOU are a key asset to your organization. That asset should be managed in a way that increases its value. That means that your personal renewal is vital to your organization’s success. So go ahead, take a break. You deserve it and so does your organization.

I’ll talk to you again in a month, when I’m refreshed and renewed.