As year-end heats up, you can easily leave your staff feeling like they are playing Whack-a-Mole. Something comes to your attention that just has to get handled. Pretty soon your staff is playing Whack-a-Mole.
Your key people must grow as fast as you want your organization to grow. If you expect your organization to grow revenue or expand market share, look internally. Are your people growing?
Wouldn't it be great if everyone in your organization trusted each other? You'd quickly get to the source of problems without wasting time on turf protection or CYA. Many mistakes would be avoided.
Sometimes we talk about “authentic leadership” as if it was something static or something we must acquire somewhere. My own authentic leadership isn’t those things.
Sometimes doing more of what you do well can cause problems. A strength that is carried too far or not balanced with other behaviors can become a weakness. This can be true for you individually or for your organization collectively.
All of leadership is a conversation, a relationship. Our genuine humanity in these leadership conversations has the power to transform us, to lead us to new places of creativity and collaboration together.
f you’re willing to be with uncertainty and live into the strength of your vulnerability, you can bring the full power and creativity of your team to the complex challenges you face.