Congratulations to Possible and Hui Ho’olana

I’m delighted to announce that Mark Arnoldy of Possible and Hui Ho’olana are the recipients of this year’s coaching scholarship.

Yes, that’s right. After reviewing all of the applications, I’ve decided to award two scholarships.

It was an honor and a privilege to review all of the applications. Each one described leadership challenges that merit more support in organizations that are doing good work in the world. In the end, I felt so deeply drawn to work with these two applicants that I offered both of them scholarships.

Many thanks to everyone who applied or sent the opportunity to friends and colleagues. This process reminded me once again that we’re all part of the same web, each doing what we can to make the world a little bit better. I’m grateful for that reminder.

If you want to be sure you learn about next year’s scholarship opportunity, sign up for my newsletter. You’ll get a note about leadership once a month and announcements of opportunities like this a couple of times each year.